CWGH calls for increased funding for health in 2025

Government must commit to allocating and spending at least 15% of the total budget towards the health sector in the 2025 national budget in line with the Abuja Declaration target. The current health financing model also remains unsustainable as it heavily relies heavily on external financing as well as OOP financing. Notwithstanding the huge external support from development partners, there is still a huge financing gap in the health sector in the country which calls for greater commitment by the Government to sustainably address it. In line with the Presidential mantra that ‘nyika inovakwa nevene vayo’, it’s important to increase public spending in the health sector for the attainment of universal health coverage (UHC) that ensures that no one and no place is left behind. Empirical evidence has shown that government financing is the most efficient and equitable way to fund health coverage.